Back & Neck

Pain Relief

Full-Body Treatment & Care

Same-Day Appointments Available


All-Natural Back and Neck Pain Care in Cherry Hill, NJ

Greentree Medical Center provides medical care for back and neck pain in the Cherry Hill, NJ area. We’ve been providing top-tier services for more than 25 years. Our team of physicians takes a full-body approach to chronic pain treatment.

The treatment plans we offer here at Greentree Medical Center are perfect for those suffering from occasional or chronic neck and back pain. We offer non- and minimally-invasive back and neck pain treatment that will get you back on your feet without the use of drugs or surgery.

More than 90% of adults experience neck or back pain, though many leave it untreated. This type of pain can be caused by a variety of factors including work tasks, habitual postures, overuse, injury, and more. Spinal problems can even radiate pain to your arms, legs, and head.

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Back & Neck Pain Relief

Non-Surgical & Effective

(856) 761-8100

(856) 761-8100

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We Help Relieve Painful Conditions In Our Office Everyday

Below are some common disorders and conditions that we have successfully treated, giving patients back their mobility and ability to live a pain-free life.

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease refers to the condition of the discs of the spine, as they begin to wear away. Most people will experience some form of disc degeneration with age. Pain occurs because when the discs wear away, the bones rub together which can lead to further problems. Acute injuries, smoking, a physically demanding job, and obesity can increase your chances to develop problems from degenerative disc conditions. 



A herniated disc is sometimes referred to as a slipped disc or a ruptured disc.  It occurs when a portion of the disc is pushed out of place into the spinal canal through a tear or rupture. This material can push against a nerve, causing extreme pain and discomfort.  Common signs of a herniated disc include pain on one side of the body, weakness, numbness or tingling, and pain in leg, hip, buttocks or shoulder blade.



Spinal stenosis happens when the space in the spinal column the nerves travel through narrows to create pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots.  The increased pressure causes pain that can be described as burning, achy, or like an electric shock.  Symptoms can come and go, but it's important to seek treatment to remain active and prevent further loss of strength in the legs.


Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis because it's the wearing down on the joints that do the heavy lifting in our bodies, commonly in our knees, hips and hands.  As the cartilage wears away, fiction causes the bones that begin to rub together to actually change shape.  Maintaining proper body alignment, a healthy weight and medical management are all non-surgical options for treating osteoarthritis.

It's never too early to be evaluated for pain.

It's never too late to talk to us about your options.

There are many painful conditions that can impact your quality of life, and we can help. Some other common conditions we treat include:

  • Myelopathy
  • Radiculopathy
  • Spondylosis
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Lumbago
  • Sacroiliac joint dysfunction
  • Sciatica
  • Pinched nerves
  • Whiplash and other injuries

If you’re experiencing any pain in your neck or back, seek treatment as soon as possible. It is never too late to alleviate your symptoms. Our personalized and specific treatment is perfect for those who can’t afford to take time off for surgery or who can’t take heavy doses of medicine.

Call today or request an appointment via our online form; same-day appointments are available.

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What kind of back pain is it?

Common Backpain symptoms can be temporary or can reoccur.  It's important to be evaluated by a medical professional to determine what is causing your pain and to minimize the long-term effects. 

Acute Back Pain:

Pain appears suddenly.  This could have been brought on by lifting something heavy, moving awkwardly, exercise, stress or even sitting with bad posture.  Acute back pain lasts no longer than 6 weeks. Generally the pain could resolve on it's own or medical assistance can speed up recovery. 

Chronic Back Pain:

Pain can come on suddenly or gradually, but it lasts longer than six weeks.  It could build up, go away and come back, or just be a constant ache that never seems to stop.  Chronic pain greatly impacts your quality of life and can even change your personality.  People experiencing chronic pain can become withdrawn and find little joy in life because they can't engage in activities they used to enjoy. 


I came here in Cherry Hill 9 months ago after a bad accident.The doctors did an unbelievably great job taking care of me during that time. He did a special treatment to help me lose 35 lbs., which helped me recover much faster and made me feel great! My pain is almost gone, and I am extremely pleased with the results. I am highly recommending Greentree Medical Center because of the professionalism and warm kindness, which created an unforgettable memory for me.

- Val B. via Google

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